Baird, David
- Born: 19 Oct 1710
- Died: 20 Jan 1801 at age 90
General Notes:
[Baird.FTW] [Brøderbund WFT Vol. 16, Ed. 1, Tree #0097, Date of Import: Sep 19 , 1999] Lived in Upper Freehold Township, Monmouth County, N.J. Left in will land in Morris County to Jacob. Sons John and David, Jr., lands in Lower Fr eehold Township. Buried in the Tennent Church Yard, Freehold, N.J. David's wi ll, inpart: 1798-Jun-08 BAIRD, David, Sr., Upper Freehold Twsp., Monmouth Co. Wife, sarah, residue of moveable property and use of home plantation, during her life. Son, Jacob, lands in Morris Co. whereon he now lives. Son, Joh n, lands in Lower Freehold Twsp., excepting two acres whereon Aaron Norris no w lives for the use of Rhoda Norris, whom I brought up, during her natural li fe. Son, David, six cattle and lands in Upper Freedhold Twsp., during his li fe; then same to his children. To daughter, Mary Dye, I have given f420 in c ash as her portion. Son, Reuben, f20, after my wife's decease, provided his is 21. Moveable estate left wife, after her decease, to be equally divided between sons, Jacob, John and David, and daughter, Mary. Son, David, my windm ill, cross saw and great Bible. Executors - sons, John and David. Witnesses - John Woodhull, William H Woodhull, William Gaston. Proved June 29, 1801.