Gibbone, Jarvis "Gervase"
- Born: 1535, England
- Marriage: Birde, Grysell
General Notes:
The following was found in Genealogical Gleanings in England by Henry F. Waters.
31. Jarvis GIBBONE and Grysell BIRDE, children: 31.1 Frances GIBBONE 31.2 Ellenor GIBBONE 31.3 Grisell GIBBONE m. Sir John Lawrence
Will of Jarvis Gybbone of Bennenden, Kent, Gent, wd 4 Jan. 1594, wp 10 Apr. 1595. My sisters Joane Hawker, wife of Serlis Hawker of Challock, Margaret, wife of John Braye of Bacombe, Susses, Phillip,wife of Henry Allard, Elizabeth, wife of Richard Allard of Byddenden and Anne, wife of George Pixe of Bennenden. To my sister Mary Gybbone one hundred marks in augmentations of her portion willed untoher by my father Henry Gibbone. To Katherine Gibbone my sister on my father's side and at such time as her portion bequeathed unto her by my father Henry Gybbone is to be paid. Anne Gibbone wife of my uncle Edmond Gibbone. My uncle John Wattes and my aunt his wife and every one of the children now born or hereafter to be born of the body of my said aunt Wattes. Frances Gybbone, Ann wife of Richard Glover and Mary Gybbone children of my uncle John. My three cousins Henry Willard, Thomas Willard and Richard Willard. I acquit the said Richard Willard of thirty pounds which he oweth me. Henry, Thomas, John and Phillipp Patenden and Mary Cogger and Dorothy Kinge the children of my aunt Patenden. My two kinsmen Henry and Robert Meere. My cousin Edward Englham of Nonington, my cousin William Gybbone of Saltwood, my brother in law Thomas Godfrey of Lydd and my cousin Robert Gybbone the elder of Rolvenden. The sons and daughters of my brother Hawker, the children of my brother Braye and of mybrothers Henry and Richard Allarde, be they sons or daughter. My mother in law Anne Gybbone widow of my father Henry Gybbone. My father in law Mr. Birde of Grays Inn and my mother in law Mrs. Birde. Mybrothers Thomas Robertes of Glassenbury and Thomas Hendley of Courshorne. My brother Birchett and my brother Edmond Robertes. Every one of my wife's own sisters both by father and mother. Mrs. Birde,my wife Grysell's mother. My three daughters Frances , Ellenor and Grisell Gybbone at marriage or age of eighteen. My executors to be my uncle Edmond Gybbone of Rolvenden and my brother Sirles Hawkerof Challock. Then follows will disposing of land &c in Kent, Susses &c. Among them are certain land occupied by Thomas, Richard and Henry Willard in Bennenden, Kent. Certain bequest to Edmond Gibbonewith remainder to Francis Gibbone of Rolvenden aforesaid, son of uncle John Gybbone. My daughters at sixteen. Peter Maplesden a witness. [Scott, 25]
Bettye Davis <>
Jarvis married Grysell Birde. (Grysell Birde was born in 1550.)