Edey, Elizabeth
- Marriage: Lawrence, Henry
- Died: 27 Sep 1739
General Notes:
Elizabeth may have been the daughter of Humphrey Edey who w illed 350 acres to Henry and Elizabeth on October 19, 1670.
The following genealogical items were found among the judge ment papers (1765) of Southampton County. The documents we re copied from the Nansemond County originals, now lost, a s a part of the suit.The documents are transcribed in ful l because of the absence of Nansemond County records.
The items are printed with the kind permission of the Cler k of the Circuit Court, Southampton County.
Nansemond County Elisabeth Lawrence's will. Elizabeth Lawr ence Widow and Relict of Henry Lawrence of this County Dece ased, lying weak in Body but in sound and perfect mind an d memory do make and nominate and appoint this my last wil l and Testament in maner and form following
Imprimis it is my true intent and meaning that all the j ust debts which in consience or Equity I owe to all or an y persons, which sums be honestly satisfied and paid in som e conveniet place after my decease by my Executor, hereafte r named -
Item I give and bequeath unto my Eldest Son Michael Lawren ce one Negroe Woman Called Nod and also one Negroe Girl cal led Nanney to him and Susanna his now Wife dureing the tim e of their natural lives after their decease. Then the sai d Negroe Woman and their Increase to be and remain to thei r two sons Thomas and John Lawrence and to their Heirs an d Assigns for ever -
Item Whereas I have already made portion for my second so n Thomas Lawrence to The utmost of my Ability towards his s upport and maintainance I do Hereby give and Bequeath unt o my said son Thomas Lawrence one Feather Bed and furnitur e and also I give him a full Remitance and Discharge from a ll Debts due and demands What so ever which he now Oweth un to me or my Estate. It being the full part and proportio n that he shall Ever have or Claim To them of in or to my E state forever and Where as my said son Thomas Lawrence hat h now in his custody the Copy of Articles of Covenants form erly made Between him and me. I do freely forgive him th e Injustice and Wrong he hat done me in that particuler bu t do Declare that said Writing to All intents and purpose t o be Void and of no Effect -
Item I Give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Sarah the Wido w and Relict of John Parsons one gold Ring haveing this pos ey/ as God Decreed so we agreed/ And also the sum of fiv e shillings Current Moneypresently after my decease.
Item Whereas I have sometime last winter sold and Delivere d by Virtue of a Bill of Sale one Negroe Girl called Sara h to my Daughter Pleasant the now Wife of John Benton I d o by this my last Will Confirm the Title of my said Negro e Girl and her Increase to my said Daughter Pleasant Bento n and to her Increase to my said Daughter Pleasant Benton a nd to her Heirs and Assigns for Ever
Item I Give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Issabella the no w Wife of Thos. Page Two Negroe Children being Girls the on e Called Moll and the other Beck. My Negro Girl called Bec k to be and Remain atthe proper Disposal of My said Daught er Issabella and her heirs forever But the Negroe Girl Call ed Moll the first Child she shall bring to perfection the s ame to be and Remain to my grandson Thomas Page and to hi s heirs and Assigns forever-
Item Whereas I have sometime last winter sold and Delivere d by Virtue of A Bill Of Sale unto my Daughter Mary the Wid ow and Relict of Andrew Boath One Negroe Girl calld Mill s I do by this my last will confirm the Title Of my said Ne groe Girl and her increase unto my said daughter Booth an d to her Heirs and Assigns forever-
Item I Give and Bequeath unto the Children of my Daughte r Martha the late wife of Thomas Daughtrey one Cow to be De livered to them after my Decease by My Executors hereafte r Made-
Item Whereas my Grandson Henry Lawrence the son of Michae l Lawrence Is now justly indebted to me and to my Estat e I do freely forgive him the Debts But do Clealy Discharg e him from all or any further or other Title to any Part o r portion of my Estate Whatsoever forever by this my last w ill-
Item I Give and Bequeath unto my Grandaughter Martha the n ow Wife of John Mackey one Negroe Girl called rose I sa y I give and Bequeath my said Negro Girl and her Increase t o my said Grand Daugter and to her and to Heirs forever-
Item I Give and bequeath unto my four Daughters first Pleas ant , Isabella Abagail and Mary all my wearing apperell Bot h of Woolin and Linen of What sort or price soever to be Eq ually and justly shared devided among them By just and equa l directions in some Convenient time after my Decease-
Item It is my Desire and my true Instant meaning that wher eas my estate Cleare of Debts that my Will only to be prove d in form my Executors giving such security As the Court sh all think fitt to see my Legacys discharged and my Estate E qually and Justly shared and Divided According to the tru e Intent propose And meaning of this my last will and Testa ment but no Valuation or Appraisment to betake of it-
It is my desire and my true Intent and Meaning that all m y esatate of Goods, Chattles: Utensils and Moveables of wh at Nature and kind soever both Within doars and without teg ether with all my negroes Not before given and Bequeathed w ith all my stock Cattle sheep horses mares Hoggs to be som e convenient time after my decease Equally and justly divid ed shared & by just and Equal divisions as to Quantity an d Quallity or Vallue Bettween this my five Children here Na med Vizt. Michael Lawrence, Pleasant Benton , Issabella Pag e, Abigail Daughter and Mary Boath and It is my True Inten t and Meaning and my Will Desire that in making the Divisio n Aforesaid or the representation of them shall from that I nstant Be Debard from having or claiming to have any furthe r or other part or portionof my said Estate then and Testa ment to the intent that the Division aforesaid my be maid a fter A Christian like manner peaceably and Quietly-
Lastly I do hereby nominate and appoint my two sons in la w Vizt Bryant Daughtrey and John Benton Junr. To be my whol e and sole Executors of this my Last will and Testament t o see my funeral and other Expences Discharged and A True i nten and meaning of this my will Performed my Disier bein g that Richard Taylor the writer of this my Will to be Assi stant in selling and dividing my Estate afoursaid this Revo aking and making Voyd all former and other wills whatsoeve r I do in the presence of God and these my Evedence Decliar e this to be My last will and Testament in manner and form e Afoursaid.
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Affiex d My seal the 27 Day of September Anno domini ( ) 1739 Sign 'd. seal'd and delivered to be the last will and Testamt o f Elizabeth Lawrence in the presence of us
Henry HB Balo Richard Taylor Eliza E L Lawrence Jo s ( ) Rick ( )
Nansemond County
Witness these presents that wee the subscribers doe hereb y acknowledge to have received of Bryant Daughtrey and Joh n Benton Executors of the Last Will and Testament of Elizab eth Lawrence our Mother, full satisfaction for the ffilial l and proportionable part of all the realland Chattle Estat e that or said Mother dyed possessed of and Wee Doe hereb y for Ever acquitt exonerate and Discharge the said Executo rs their heires Executors and Administrators of and from al l and all manner of ffurther or other clame, tytle or deman d whatsoever which wee now have, or which wee our heires Ex ecutors or administrators shall or may for ever hereafter h ave or claime to have of in or to the estate aforesaid fro m the beginning of the world unto the day of the date hereo f as wittness Mikill Lawrence Issabell I Page Pleasant P Benton Abigall A Daughtery Thomas TL Lawrence Mary MB Booth
Source: Lawrence Family of Nansemond County, L.H. Hart
(NOTE: This Eliz. appears to have been to old to have bee n Henry's first wife. Was she Eliz Edey named in ) ( NOTE: From Paul Lawrence website - "Elizabeth (Edey) Lawre nce, Testator, will recorded in judgement papers of Southam pton County Virginia (1765), Nansemond County reco rds lost, copy provided to preparer by Robert Daughtrey").
Elizabeth married Henry Lawrence, son of Robert Lawrence and Elizabeth Adkinson. (Henry Lawrence died on 27 Sep 1739.)