Zellar, Jacob
- Born: 13 Feb 1719, Ormalingen, Basel-Country, Switzerland
- Marriage: Magdalena
- Died: 30 May 1794, Washington County, Maryland at age 75
General Notes:
Will of Jacob ZELLER (1790); Washington Co, Maryland
This file was contributed by David Zellers <dzellers@lrnet1.com>.
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Recorded on 26th August 1794 at Washington County Courthouse, Hagerstown, Maryland.
In the name of God _____ I Jaco Zellar of Washington County in the State of Maryland farmer being in perfect health and of sound memory and _________ but considering the uncertainty of this transitions life do make publish and declare this my last Will & Testament in manner & form following: First I recommend my sole to God the giver and my body to beburied in deacent and Christian manner by my Executors hereafter named first, I appoint all my just Debts be paid out of my Estate by my Executors. Thus I Will and bequeath unto my well beloved Wife Magdalena a Good and decent living to be found her natural life by my Son Jaco Zeller for her part and dower of my Lands license I Will and bequeath that my Wife have the full benefit of any old Dwelling House during her natural life and the Benefit of all nessary household therein during her natural life and at her decease to be the Right and title of my Son Jacob Zellers further I Will and bequeath unto my Son Henry Zeller five Shillings starting money for his part of the Estate to be paid to him by my Executors out of my Estate ________I Will and bequeath unto my Son Jacob Zeller all the Remainder part of my Estate, both real and personal to him his heirs and Assigned forever, except what Legaces hereafter mentioned I give and bequeath unto my Son Henry's daughters named Magdalena the sum of Thirty pounds Common Money to be paid to her by my Executors one year after my Wifes decease and to my Son Henry Zeller's three sons named Jacob, Otho, and Martin I Will and bequeath to each of them forty pounds Common Money to be paid to them by my Executors of of my Estate as follows to Jacob the second year after my Wifes decease and if that should happen before the said Jacob should arrive to the Age of Twenty-one thou not to be paid till he arrives to Age of Twenty-one years and the other two sons above named to be paid their forty pounds as they arrive to the Age ofTwenty-one years or after the death of my Wife and I do hereby Nominate and appoint my Wife Magdalena and my Son Jacob Zeller Executors of this my last Will & Testament. I hereby revoke all former Wills set my hand and seal this second day of January in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and ninety. Signed Sealed and declared by the said Jacob Zeller and for his last Will & Testamentin the presents of us who subscribed our names in his presents of:
Jacob "Z" Zeller
his mark
Joel Hager's Southern West Virginia Research Jan 2011
Jacob married Magdalena.