Hartman, Samuel
- Born: 19 Mar 1790, Hightstown, Middlesex, New Jersey 67,68
- Died: 12 May 1862, Marathon, Clermont, Ohio at age 72 69,70,71
- Buried: Marathon, Clermont, Ohio 72,73
General Notes:
<b>Notes from Janet and Robert Wolfe Genealogy Gateway </b> 1790 Samuel was born in Middlesex (later called Mercer) County, NJ.
1795 Samuel, with his parents, moved to Kentucky.
1801 Samuel, with his parents, moved to Clermont Co, Ohio.
1812 Samuel served in the War of 1812 in Captain Stephen Smith's Company of the Ohio Militia. His second wife Elizabeth was named in his pension record.
1814 Samuel and Sarah were married in Clermont County by Ezekiel Hutchinson,Minister of Gospel ME Church. Clermont Marriages p 95.
1824 A Samuel Hartman bought and sold land to William James with several transactions in Clermont Co. (Ref: Smith)
1837 A Samuel Hartman paid personal tax in Jackson Co, OH.
1841 Sarah Dunham Hartman died.
1844 Samuel remarried to Elizabeth.
1862 The estate of Samuel was recorded in Clermont County Book A2-415
1862 Samuel was buried in the Hartman Cemetery, Clermont Co, Ohio. His tombstone indicated War of 1812.
A biosketch of son Robert S Hartman (see his notes) describes Samuel.
Noted events in his life were:
• Military Service, 1812, Ohio. 74 in Captain Stephen Smith's Company of the Ohio Militia