Bryant, William 17
- Born: 1684, Isle Of Wight, Virginia
- Died: Bef Feb 1750, Edgecombe, North Carolina
General Notes:
BRYANT, William.Edgecombe County.
September 21, 1749. February Court, 1749.
Sons: Joseph, William. Daughter: Patience ("my house, land and plantation"), Sarah Myhan. Grandson: James McDaniel. Friends: Thomas Huyandine. Executors: Abram Dew and Edward Brown. Witnesses: Thos. Pope, Wm. Andrews, James Myhand.
Clerk of the Court:_____________________(?)
<Source - Abstract of North Carolina Wills compiled from Original and recorded wills in the Office of the secretary of State by J. Bryan Grimes (Secretary of State) Originally published: Raleigh, NC 1910 Reprinted: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. Baltimore, 1967, 1975, 1980 //// page # 54 Library of Congress Catalogue Card # 67-28615 // International Standard Book # 0-8063-0163-5>
Transcribed by: Lisa Bailey 1/8/2000