Family Links
Beck, Darcus
- Holloway, Isaiah
- Holloway, Willis Warner
- Holloway, John W.
- Holloway, George
- Holloway, Elizabeth Jane
- Holloway, Nancy
- Holloway, Pleasant M.+
- Holloway, Emaline
- Holloway, James
- Holloway, Bailey Aaron
- Holloway, Missouri
- Holloway, Cynthia
Holloway, John
- Born: 1800, Carroll County, Georgia
- Marriage: Beck, Darcus
- Died: 1875 at age 75
- Buried: Bradley-Holloway Cemetery
General Notes:
Birth: 1800 Death: 1875
Bradley-Holloway Cemetery Township 19, Range 11, Section 30 County Road 129 Iron Bridge Road
John Holloway born 1800; married Darcus Beck, born 1805. Darcus Beck was the daughter of Isaiah Beck and Darcus York.
Children: 1--Isaiah Wesley Holloway, born 10/15/1830, died 5/24/1910; married 1st Elizabeth Gaston married 2nd Mary Pugh; buried at Liberty Grove Cemetery, Itawamba County, Mississippi 2--Willis Warner Holloway, born 1833, possibly killed in the Civil War 3--John W. Holloway, born 3/10/1835, died 10/15/1925; married Elizabeth Carpenter, born 8/10/1836, died 2//17/1907; buried at Valley Grove Primitive Baptist Cem, Randolph Co, AL. 4--Pleasant Miles Holloway, born 5/27/1844, died 6/9/1919; married 1st Gemima Pate married 2nd Susan Mitchell; Buried Mt. Pleasant Randolph County. 5--George Holloway, born 1836, died Civil War married Elizabeth- 6--James Holloway, born 1850, died 1932, married 1st Julia Holloway, married 2nd Martha Gabriel, buried at Hopewell Cemetery, Itawamba County, Mississippi 7--Elizabeth Jane Holloway, born 1839; married 1st Isaac Harris, married 2nd Robert Caldwell. 8--Nancy Holloway, born Dec 27, 1846, died Jun 10, 1895 married James Pate; Union-D. Clay County Alabama 9--Emeline Holloway, born Jun 24, 1847, died Mar 30, 1917 Allen D. McInnish buried Antioch Clay Co, AL. 10--Bailey Aaron Holloway, born 2/7/1852, died 9/1/1942; married Eliza Whaley; buried at Liberty Grove, Itawamba County, Mississippi 11--Missouri Holloway, born 1854, died 1948; married James Jackson Ferguson; buried at Liberty Grove, Itawamba County, Mississippi 12--Cynthia Holloway, born 10/9/1856, died 6/6/1947; married Rufus Kerr, buried at Fulton Bridge Cemetery, Hamilton, Marion County, Alabama
John married Darcus Beck, daughter of Isaiah Beck and Darcus York. (Darcus Beck was born in 1805 in Carroll County, Georgia.)